Lions Club Sliema

About Lions Club Sliema

Lions Club Sliema, chartered in 1974, has been a cornerstone of service in the Maltese Islands. As part of Lions Clubs International, we work tirelessly to support philanthropic and social projects, both locally and internationally. Our members meet twice monthly to plan initiatives and continue serving the community with dedication.

Board of Directors — 2024/2025

Lionistic Year: 1 July 2024 – 30 June 30 2025

Role Name
President Victor Borg Barthet
Immediate Past President Karl Grima Bezzina
First Vice President Stephane Moyet
Second Vice President George Attard
Secretary Lorna Farrugia
Treasurer Alexander Arena
Directors (1 Year) Tom Restall, Alfred Micallef Attard, Louise Cutajar Davis
Directors (2 Years) Frank Galea, Victoria Muscat, Norman Wilson
Membership Vivienne Zammit
LCIF Coordinator Joe Messina
Lion Tamer Louis Sciberras
Tail Twister Arlette Grech