Mediterranean Lions Conference

Mediterranean Lions Conference

The 16th Mediterranean Lions Conference was held recently at Ljubljana, Slovenia. Lion Tom A. Restall, Zone Secretary, represented the 5 Lions Clubs in Malta at this Conference, which had as its main theme “The Ageing Population of Mediterranean People”.

Lion Tom A. Restall delivered a short presentation highlighting the facilities available in Malta for the aged that are provided by the Government and the private sector, also detailing the various social facilities made available by the state. During the course of the conference delegates from Lions Clubs of the Mediterranean littoral presented papers outlining the need to help the aged.

One other interesting aspect discussed during the conference was the role of females in the Lions movement. The International President Wayne D. Madden and International Director Lion Claudette Cornet, addressed delegates on the important role that females play in the international Lions movement.

At the end of the Conference Malta was confirmed as the host country for the 2016 Mediterranean Lions Conference and Lion Tom A. Restall was also confirmed as Malta’s representative in the Mediterranean Solidarity Movement. The Mediterranean Lions Conference has now been recognised as a regional annual conference that is attended by the Lions International President and other officials.

Incoming 2013/2014 International President Barry J. Palmer of Australia will be visiting Malta in the near future while making visits to regions within the Commonwealth.


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