The brainchild of Past President Lion Ian Lochhead, Lions Club Sliema Art Foundation was constituted on the 25th March 2005 by a public deed drawn up by Notary Dr Margaret Heywood.

Apart from being a non-profit making organisation the primary aim of the Foundation is to promote the study of the arts by persons requiring financial assistance and deemed appropriate recipients of assistance by the Foundation.

The overall responsibility of the Foundation and its activities are vested in a Committee of Management appointed by the Board of Directors of Lions Club Sliema.  Past President Ian Lochhead chairs the present Committee and the members are:

Prof. D. Buhagiar, Dr Stella Borg Barthet, Mr George Apap and Past President Lion Joseph Caruana.

Presently the Foundation is in possession of about Lm20,000.  This considerable amount was mainly sponsored through the goodwill of the Foundation’s Chairman Lion Ian, and various fund-raising activities mostly held at Ian’s residence at Xwieki.  It is hoped that this year the Foundation shall start sponsoring youths to pursue their studies, after having received the anticipated amount.

The Club has an Arts Sub Committee responsible for administering the funds in consultation with the Board of Directors.  The present Chairperson is Lion Victoria Muscat.

A Peace Poster (ART) Competition  is being held annually



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Talk – Climate Change



      Wednesday, 20th 2019 at 19.30

at Victoria Hotel

Lions Club Meeting Hall


Climate Change – Emergency


Prof Simone Borg


Prof Borg is Malta’s Ambassador for Climate Action and Change and Sustainable Development


The Talk will be in English


 After the Talk we shall proceed to the Victoria Restaurant for our usual Pasta Night for the price of €12.

Parking:  Free under Victoria Hotel


All Lions Club members, family and friends are invited
Please inform Lion Chris Borg Cardona by  not later than 17th November 2019 if you will be joining us for the Meal only  by SMS on mobile 79246760

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Report – Olive Oil Pressing at Stella’s Garden Centre Rabat

On Sunday the 27th of October, we were given a tour of Stella’s Garden Centre which has lovely plants, trees, and herbs. We were shown the advanced method of growing seedlings from high-quality seeds which are grown and then distributed as seedlings to farmers throughout Malta who grow them on to produce a variety of vegetables, flowers, and fruit for the local market.
Our guide for the visit was Mr Kurt Grima who gave an informative talk about the process of growing the seedlings and also explained the olive oil pressing method. We were told that in Malta harvesting olives is done from mid-September until the end of November.
The production area has a hopper into which the olives and leaves are placed.  By means of a conveyor belt, the debris can be separated from the olives.  After washing the olives are crushed and kneaded in a Malaxor tank for forty-five minutes. It is here also that oil, water, and solids are separated by centrifuge. The pure oil is then collected.  This natural extraction process ensures the oil retains all the nutrients and antioxidants that are so beneficial for our health. The oil produced is Extra Virgin Olive Oil because it is not heated, nothing is added and the oil is not treated in any way. It takes approximately ten to twelve kilos of olives to produce one lit er of oil. The waste from production is used for compost or for making into logs for use in fireplaces. 
We all appreciated sampling the oil with Maltese bread and bigilla….delicious!
Thank you to Lion Isabelle Micallef for kindly arranging this lovely visit and also thanks to her generous family for hosting us.
Very grateful thanks to Mr Kurt Grima for showing us around and explaining the process of obtaining the high-quality cold-pressed olive oil.
This was a well-attended fundraising event greatly enjoyed by all who came.
By Susan Galea Borg
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Olive Pressing Demonstration

Sunday, 27th October 2019

At 10.30am

 Olive Pressing Demonstration


Stella’s Garden Centre

near Gianpula, l/o Rabat

 €5 per person which will be donated back to Lions Club Sliema

Afterwards Lunch at Irerra Restaurant, Ta’ Xbiex


Please email  Lion Doreen Davis on if you will be joining us for the Demonstration and for  Lunch by not later than 23rd October 2019


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Charter Night 2019

 Saturday, 9th November 2019

At 20.00 for 20.30


Charter Night


Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana


Paid up Members are FREE but Guests will be charged €50 per person all inclusive. Friends are welcome.

The Main Course will consist of Sous Vide Veal Loin and Salmon. You are kindly requested to advise Lion Joe of your preferred option and of any dietary restrictions, when placing your booking. 

Dress Code:  Black Tie (or dark Lounge Suit) for Men and Cocktail Dresses for Ladies


Please email  Lion Joe Messina on by not later than 2nd November

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The Story of Chinese Porcelain and its Journey to the West

On Wednesday 16th of October Joan Barnewell from Dublin, Ireland delivered a very well-received talk on The Story of Chinese Porcelain and its Journey to the West. Joan’s talk was inspired by her interest in the arts of Imperial China and in particular her love of the Qing Dynasty porcelain in the Chester Beatty collection where Joan has been a tour guide for many years.
After a brief history of Chinese pottery and porcelain, Joan introduced us to the famous kilns in Jingdezhen. We learned of the remarkable people who climbed the mountain every day for the secret ingredient-kaolin-and carry it down the mountain where it was processed and fired in enormous kilns to make beautiful objects for the Imperial Palace-and eventually for Europe.
We followed the boatmen and stick-men on their arduous 700-mile journey.  They carried the precious porcelain across large lakes, through rivers, across rapids and rough slippery terrain and through steep mountain passes in all weather to reach the port of Canton. The labourers were met there by the merchants and were photographed by the renowned Scottish photographer John Thomson.
It was here in the 16th century that the Dutch and Portuguese ships carrying porcelain
began their journeys reaching Europe several months later-if they were lucky.  Many ships did not make it.  The shipwrecks which would have been a disaster at the time have proved to be a blessing as porcelain…. like gold is not affected by being under the sea.
In 1604 a consignment of 100,000 pieces of porcelain reached Holland on the SS Catania and was sold at auction it caused a stir.  Everyone who could afford it wanted it.
If the secret of how it was made could be found…. there was a fortune to be made. 
A French Jesuit missionary priest managed to get the details from some of his Catholic converts and the rest is history.
Today the Chinese are buying back porcelain at auctions around the world.  We saw a slide of a sixteen-inch vase from the 18th century which had been used as an umbrella stand.  It sold to a buyer from Beijing for $43 million.
After 2000 years porcelain is still being made in Jingdezhen a testament of Chinese adaptability, great artistry and craftsmanship and the beauty of porcelain.
Many thanks to Joan for giving us an extremely interesting talk increasing our knowledge and appreciation of fine porcelain from past to present.
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Article about the Visit to the Malta Aviation Museum

By Lion Susan Galea Borg.
A visit was made to the Aviation Museum on 15th September 2019 which is especially interesting if you have a family member or friend who served in the RAF.
The museum shows the role of aviation in the Second World War and explains their contribution to protect Malta.
Some of our members watched a video of Malta being bombed in WW2.
There is an interesting range of exhibits that we could get up close to.
We saw wartime aircraft and also post-war jets…..A Spitfire, Hawker Hurricane, de Havilland Tiger Moth, Piper L4, Douglas Dakota 1V, Fairey Swordfish and others.
Some jets seen are de Havilland Vampire 11, Hawker Sea Hawk and Gloster Meteors.  We also saw land-based vehicles. Uniforms and memorabilia also form part of the collection.
The museum also remembers individual men like Sgt. Pilot Tony Boyd who died in a Spitfire airplane to save Malta.  Many men now lie at rest at Kalkara War Cemetery having died as heroes during 1940-1943.
The museum visit was a great success. Many thanks to our guide Mr. Ray Polidano who gave us an excellent tour full of information and history
of Malta’s role in aviation history.
Grateful thanks to the family Polidano who take care of and run the museum.
This visit was a fundraising event which raised one hundred euros.
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LIONS Sliema – Board Members and Officers 2024/2025

Lions Club Sliema (1974)

Board of Directors – 2024/2025

Lionstic Year July 1 2024 – July 30 2025

Current President

Each year a new Lion becomes the President of the Lions Club Sliema

Victor Borg Barthet

Victor Borg Barthet was Director of an extensive family-owned business for many years. Semi-retired, he is now a sought-after Consultant in architectural hardware. 

 A devoted family man, husband, father of three, grandfather of seven and, for over forty years,  a dedicated member of Lions Club Sliema. 

All this gives Victor a wide-ranging set of skills which are very well-suited to the task in hand –  the Presidency of Sliema Lions Club in this 50th Anniversary Year. 

The ability to extend the hand of partnership to each and every member is perhaps the most important of these skills. It is Victor’s sincere hope to give to all the members 

the space in which their very best abilities and personal qualities will  emerge –  in order To Serve in Malta and beyond. 


PRESIDENT: Victor Borg Barthet
IMM. PART PRESIDENT: Karl Grima Bezzina
SECRETARY: Lorna Farrugia
TREASURER: Alexander Arena
DIRECTORS: 1 Year (2024-2025)  Tom Restall
  Alfred Micallef Attard
  Louise Cutajar Davis
DIRECTORS: 2 Years (2024-2026) Frank Galea
  Victoria Muscat
  Norman Wilson
MEMBERSHIP Vivienne Zammit
Lion Tamer:  responsible for storing the tools the club needs (flags, banners, name tags), as well as the valuables (bell and gavel) and they, are available at every meeting. Louis Sciberras
Tail Twister:  is to promote harmony, good fellowship and enthusiasm at club meetings through appropriate stunts and games and a judicious imposition of fines on club members. Arlette Grech




BOARD OF DIRECTORS  – 2023 /2024 

The Lionstic Year July 1, 2023, to July 30, 2024: 

PRESIDENT: Karl Grima Bezzina
SECRETARY: Lorna Farrugia
TREASURER: Alexander Arena
DIRECTORS: 1 Year (2022-2023)  Marie Therese Cuschieri
  Martin Ward
  Doreen Davis
DIRECTORS: 2 Years (2022-2024) Tom Restall
  Alfred Micallef Attard 
  Louise Cutajar Davis
MEMBERSHIP Vivienne Zammit
Lion Tamer:  responsible for storing the tools the club needs (flags, banners, name tags), as well as the valuables (bell and gavel) and they, are available at every meeting. Louis Sciberras
Tail Twister:  is to promote harmony, good fellowship and enthusiasm at club meetings through appropriate stunts and games and a judicious imposition of fines on club members. Arlette Grech

 Current President

Each year a new Lion becomes the President of the Lions Club Sliema.

Lions Sliema Club President 2023/2034

Karl Grima Bezzina 

Karl has been a Lions member since 2019. Born in Malta on 14th January 1982, Karl started his studies at the University of Malta, graduating in Agriculture in 2002. During his time at University Karl has been involved with a number of student organisations, such as AISEC as well as SDM. He also served on the University student council as a social policy officer.

After graduating, Karl started his career as a Senior Officer with the Government of Malta, working on Agricultural EU affairs, representing Malta on a number of high-level committees dealing in Agricultural affairs within the European Union. Karl was promoted to Principal Officer within the Ministry for Rural Affairs. During this time, he continued his studies, graduating with a BSc. (Hons) in Mediterranean Agro-Eco Systems from the University of Perugia. He furthered his studies by following his passion in the culinary arts where he graduated once again from the University of Malta in Gastronomy.

In 2012, Karl took the leap and founded Karrot & Ko, a catering company offering B2B solutions, contract catering and canteen management. Nowadays, Karl still manages Karrot & Ko, which is in its eleventh year of operation. His passion for food and service continues as he even provided various services to the Sliema Lions Club during a number of events organized. Karl apart from his passion for the kitchen, is also keen on fitness where he regularly participates in runs and obstacle races both locally and abroad.

Karl has been a regular attendant to a number of Lions events, through the introduction by his late Aunt, Lion Isabelle Micallef, whom she also introduced to the club and eventually as a regular member.

Karl is married to Daniela.









Norman Wilson
1 st July 2022 – 30 th June 2023

Norman Wilson

Norman Wilson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1947. After attending Bathgate Academy he went on to university in Glasgow where he graduated with a degree in Economics. After a further year in Glasgow Norman obtained a Post Graduate Certificate of Education. Norman taught Economics and Economic History at The High School of Glasgow, a top grant-aided private school, and was promoted to head of the department after 2 years. During this time he co-authored an Economics Text Book aimed at bankers for their AIB.
He then went on to a very different kind of school in Clydeside, Govan High School, and a year later he received further promotion to Portobello High School in Edinburgh.

It was then that Norman studied for a Masters Degree in Philosophy and Psychology at Edinburgh University graduating with distinction. 

During this time Norman was also involved in voluntary work with the Roman Catholic Church as Managing Director of Laetare Youth Hostel which offered restful holidays for disadvantaged overseas students.

A move to London saw him as a Senior Teacher (Assistant Head) in Billericay High School, one of the largest secondary schools in England where he was promoted to Deputy Headmaster. 

Norman has always wanted to live in Malta and so in 2000, his wish became reality. He obtained a post as Director of Studies and Deputy Headmaster at St Edward’s College, Malta, retiring 6 years later. 

In 1973 Norman married Victoria and has one son and 2 grandsons. 

Norman was invited to join Valletta Circle, Catenian Association, where he became Secretary, Vice-President, and then President in 2012. In 2016 he became Area Councillor then Provincial Councillor.

The current Lion President, Margaret Frendo introduced Norman to the Lions Club, Sliema, to give a talk on Antique Glass in Malta a subject he has written several papers on, some of which have been published and have been a glass consultant to MUZA. He has also given talks to the Club on Malt Whisky, Wine, Port, Sherry, Chinese Snuff Bottles (2 talks), George Fenech (Artist) and Persian Carpets.

During the Club’s Holiday in France in 2018, Norman was officially asked to join by the Membership Officer Lion Vivienne Zammit. He has recently resigned his post as Provincial Councillor with Valletta Circle to take on the Presidency of our Club.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS  – 2020 /2021 

President WILSON Norman
Immediate Past President FRENDO Margaret
1st Vice President MUSCAT Victoria
2nd Vice President GRIMA BEZZINA Karl
Secretary FARRUGIA Lorna
Treasurer ARENA Alexander
Membership Director ZAMMIT Vivienne

LCIF Coordinator

Lions Club International Foundation

Directors – July 2021 – June2023

DAVIS Doreen

Directors – July 2020 – June 2022


Lion Tamer:  responsible for storing the tools the club needs (flags, banners, name tags) as well as the valuables (bell and gavel) and see they are available at every meeting.


Tail Twister:  is to promote harmony, good fellowship and enthusiasm at club meetings by appropriate stunts and games and a judicious imposition of fines on club members.



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Calendar of Events

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Mr Norman Wilson

will be giving us a talk on 


Wednesday, 18th September 2019 at 19.30


Victoria Hotel

 Lions Meeting Hall


Presentation will be in English.

 Port offered by Lions Club

Sliema and Nibbles made by Victoria Wilson will also  be served.


Parking:  Free under Victoria Hotel


All Lions Club members, family and friends are invited

After the talk we shall proceed  to a restaurant at the Victoria Hotel  for a light dinner.
Please inform Lion Chris Borg Cardona by  not later than 14th September 2019 if you will be joining us at the restaurant by SMS on mobile 79246760 or e-mail.

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