Fund Raising During Sliema Arts Festival

With the permission of the Sliema Council, Lions Club Sliema organised a fund-raising activity during the Arts Festival held during the weekend 16/17 July, 2016.

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 People were asked to guess the number of balloons in a Volkswagon car (made available courtesy of Continental Motors) against a donation of one euro and having the chance to win Euro 100.

Lions Vivienne Zammit and Louis Sciberras were responsible to organise the activity. Other Lions gave a helping hand during the two evenings amongst whom Lions Maria Beaney and Margaret Frendo. Lion Isabelle Micallef
donated stickers which were given to children.

Lion Frank Galea provided the “pop up” .

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Euro 575.65 were raised from this event.

The winner was kind enough to donate the prize money to the Club.

This was the second time that such a fundraiser was organised. Well one all concerned.



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